The Award is an initiative of Dynamine in collaboration with engineers and researchers from various companies and educational institutions in Brazil and abroad.
Celebrated every two years, the award aims to recognize professionals and students who collaborate for the development of engineering innovation.
Congratulations on the commitment and dedication. We are happy to see the implementation and development of new ideas in Brazil. We wish you all a great success.
It is with great pride that we list the works considered most innovative in 2015.
Modelagem do Cristalizador a vácuo para tratamento de efluentes líquidos de refinarias de petróleo
Hugo Montalvão Gontijo, Sônia Denise Ferreira Rocha e Emily Mayer de Andrade
Estudo termodinâmico de inclusões não-metálicas na produção de aços dual-phase com alto teor de silício
Júlia Beltrami, Wagner Viana Bielefeldt e Antônio Cezar Faria Vilela
Projeto de estradas com metodologia BIM
Alberto Leandro Lima e Tamiris de Abreu Momma
A conflict-free, path-level parallelization approach for sequential simulation algorithms
Luiz Gustavo Rasera, Péricles Lopes Machado e João Felipe Coimbra Leite Costa